#some facts about geography
#facts about geography 🗺️🌏📗
1:geography word is made from Greek geo'earth‚+graphia‚the systematic study of the physical earth and it's human population_where things are and how they got there.
2:The field is divided into 2 major areas:
. Physical geography
. Human geography

3:ptolemy/ancient geographer:he was born in Egypt of Greek ancestry Claudius ptolemy (CA.A.D.90_168) created a body of work synthesizing the greco. Roman world's knowledge of cartography. Mathematics and astronomy. His eight volume georoffered instructions and information for preparing a world Atlas including a world map and 26 regional maps. He also refined a number of map projection and provided a list of some 8‚000 place manes and their coordinates. Almagest his 13 volume treatise in astronomy posited a geocentric model of the solar system. And his our book tetrabiblos tried to reconcile astrology with money scientific matters. Ptolemy influence on geography and cartography spread through Arabic translations made by islamis scholars and influenced near Eastern and western geographic and cartographic thought for centuries.
4:Trusting Ptolemys concept of earth's circumference‚Columbus did not venture beyond the Caribbean.
5:Today geography is rooted in location but it involves more then the position of place-name on a map.
6:it integrates methods and knowledge from many different disciplines and encompasses both the physical and the social sciences.
7:it links all these disciplines to determine why things happens in a particular spatial patterns.
8:physical geography incorporates geology climatology, biology, ecology, hydrology, and other natural sciences.
9:human geography includes cultural anthropology, economics, political, and science of map making provides graphics representation of geographic settings.
10:geographer a also use other tools in their data gathering, analysis, and representation_Tools including statistics photographs, remotely, captured images(such as satellite onto), and computer generated graphics.
11:Ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, phoenician, and Chinese amassed geographical understanding, but few of those records survive, and so the greeks have become today's main source of early knowledge
12:They also excelled in scientific inquiry, Aristotle, for example, sought to determine the size and natural of earth in the fourth century B.C.
13:Homers epics, the lliad and the odyssey, written in the ninth century B. c., revals the greeks as intrepid travelers and keen abservers of distant lands.
some milestones
14:CIRCA 200 B. C
Eratosthenes of cyrenes geographica
15:CIRCA A. D. 21
Strabos 17-volume Geography
16:CIRCA A. D. 160
ptolemys guide to geography
First illustrated world history
First collection of world maps, ortellius theater of the world
Mercator s maps of northern Europe
First geography textbook. Carpenter's geography Delineated forth in two bookes
For more information
(National Geographic) (www.nationalgeographic.com)